Thursday, December 11, 2008

guess what?

i'm officially on christmas break! yay!
the only problem is that i don't have a clue what exactly i'm gonna do yet! maybe travel around, but for sure, i will keep working hard on the new clothes for impolite, that's my main priority right now.
i just sent the first few designs to production, but i'm considering working on a few more designs, the more the better! right? well i do hope so.
i'm also very happy with the feedbacks i've got on the youtube video that sandrine and i made last weekend. we really did not expect you guys to like it, so thank you. we will try to make another one soon, it should be up by next weekend or early next week, just in time for christmas!


mariasarafina said...

You're having your holidays now. That's nice. You must have been waiting for it for quite a long time, haha.
The more the better. I agree with that :]
And wow! I'm waiting for your new video with sandrine :]
I love her. She's seems so fun. And so do you :]

Unknown said...

your so lucky. I have 4 more exams to take!!! I get out on Wednesday. ^_^ I'll be looking forward to that video. Happy Holidays

Arthur Nazrgulov said...
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Anonymous said...

i love! coeur de pirates!
i just wish i knew what she was singing the whole time lol. but i do like it a lot

Anonymous said...

ahhh :) luck you
i break up next friday. lol.
YES PLEASE :) moreee designs
i love the impolite selection/collection whichever sounds best there :)
and you and sandrine are brilliant :)
i will definitely be watching the next one, the last one was amazing :)

HeyHuiyunn said...

agree with you totally.
you gotta make more videos :)
make more
make more! hahaha

Gabriela said...

Wow! So lucky!
I still haven't taken any of the final exams!
I'm still pretty much suffering!
But classes persay are officially over!

Brandy said...

Happy Christmas Break! <3

It's so nice to have some time off and from your last update it really sounds like you could use it.

I can't wait to see the new designs and hopefully use some of my Christmas Cash to buy a bunch.

If you've got the means, definitely travel. It's the thing I want to do most in the world right now but for the time being I'm kind of stuck. Unless I run away from home. Can you be 25, living alone, and still run away from home? God I hope so.

Your video was really adorable. You do sound a lot different than I imagine but I am in love with your voice now. I can't wait to see another one.

Take care, have a great break, and enjoy yourself!

Love you! <3

JessiCka said...

Lucky you... Happy christmas break;)

Anonymous said...

i still have a week to go before my christmas break lucky you! x]

I can't wait for your new video =D
Have fun in the vacation!!
Good luck with the designs!~

xoxo <3

PsAichO said...

i can't wait for the new clothes :)

The Broken Melody said...

We can't wait for the new clothes...of course. I'm hoping to see new Youtube stuff too- I don't think I've ever watched anything quite so funny. It's my sense of humor exactly XD

Chelny said...

J'ai hâte de voir les vêtements!! et mostly the upcoming video... please Alex I know i'm very annoying but make a F-R-E-N-C-H video please, and I want to hear you more!!! Dégênes-toi un peu;)

Lovemo said...

Deeply next weekend then I find you too sweet!

I love you kisssssssss

KatieCann said...

you're on break already. I have a week left. Is it snowing up there?

_Blu3fly said...

faut pas trop mettre de pression XD... déjà qu'il montre ses photos, c'est généreux de sa part qu'il prenne le temps de les poster en + d'écrire de quoi, en tout cas, je trouve qu'il ne fait pas trop le timide avec le video "I've got nothing to say" comparer à "Teacup", il s'est amélioré... hahaha... peut-être qu'il est + bavard en dehors de la camera gnarf......


ouais c'est vrai ça on veut un FRENCH video, ce serait fun pour les fans français, vont se forcer à comprendre les fans anglais ;) bah quoi... mouahaha!!!

Bon break bien mérité Alex!
Continue the good work with Impolite, bon courage!
Belle paume de main! <3

Anonymous said...

your lucky i dont get christmas break tell the 24 T^T

Anonymous said...

yay! another video!! thats awesome i luv them!! hav fun on break while im in skool.... :( aww sadd face. ur so luckyyyyyyyy

glowingfirefly said...

Ouaisssssss je peux quapprouver ce que chelny et blu3fly disent.
fais une video en francais !

Pleaase! Ca serait plus amsuant,
n'importe combien de gens anglais se facheraient!
Pense à tous les gens francais qui tu négliges tout le temps .. ook honnêtement tu délaisses personne
mais .. uhm quoi .. rien.

Jai un vrai/bon argument.
Tu étais élevé avec cette langue,
on pourrait dire que tu tu es gêné?
Tu dois en être fieeer.

(Jespère que ca touche à ta fierté canadienne/québécoise)

Et merci pour cet update sur
ton blog francais.
Jy ai écrit puisque personne
nen avait envie.

Jme suis apercu que tu es plus
sympa quand tu écris en francais!

Bonne fin de la semaine et bonnes
vacances !

Hopeless Romantic said...

lucky goose!

i'm not out for christmas break until next week, but before then, i have semester finals. :/

Anonymous said...

ewwww, that person that send you that immature picture of them self naked is so....stupid. she is embarrassing herself. and making a fool. i am so sorry alex. ewww. why would she even think of that. any's. i think i like the heart or you left handed?? from the picture it looks like it. that very cool.

take care, and sorry for that accident in there! said...

Wonderful! I'm rather jealous, I still have another week. Best of luck with the designs! :) Can't wait for the next video!

P.S. I kind of miss your old blogs, the ones that made me smile or cry. These are less.... real? no, thats not it. They are more like updates and less heartfelt. Perhaps its one of the mental issues kicking in again. :) said...

shit. another double post. (sorry!)

correction: mental issues meaning, mental issues on my part. why do i always say the worst things???

Bev said...

love love love impolite. design more!

hope youre well x

About me said...

hahahaah .
eu guys seems like a very fun people :]
you guys really make my day xP

btw , ii lyk ur heartbreaker clothes o.o!


herzlich rvvlich. said...

nice clothes.. have fun.. ^^

glowingfirefly said...

might there be a possibility of changing
the new clothes' name ?
what i am trying to say is that
most of your fans uhm buyers do not understand
that the clothing line itself is
called 'Heartbreaker Clothing'
and that only the last collection
was called 'Impolite'.
So, please no Impolite, but another
new creative collection!

enjoy your weekend .. uhhm
or rather your holidays!

chelseaaa. said...

I like this picture :]
I can't wait until christmas because im getting one of your shirts.! I don't get out of school until friday :/

Dy said...

why are you blocked me on did i hurt you something comment on your pixs? i dont want to get myself guilty! i sorry can u forgive me? i want to know what is the matter with something is it.

SinNe'Rx Man_'*'_ said...

( it's me angely, i have 2 mails, and i change the name! dind't like it)


I think that you should go on a trip with your bigest friends...

But.. spent a littel of your time with your family.



Anonymous said...

mr. alex evans i have a question for you! i would enjoy it throughly if you wrote me back! :D if you don't have time/ don't want to that is perfectly fine. my question will just forever go unanswered. jk :)

Anonymous said...

that day was my birthday! luv the pic.

MeganLewis:) said...

guess what?
you're adorable. :)

Unknown said...

Me and my friends were talkin about u last night. We were wondering if u have a gf. Im totally jealous if u do! :D

Mylynn26 said...

wow I still cant believe that tomorrow is the last day of 2008!
its so weird anyway I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe New Years holiday.

